Faith and Doubt

Does faith leave room for doubt?

"Ask great questions." This was the parting comment I would make to my girls daily as I dropped them off to school. I stole this from a book I read somewhere along the line, but something must have sunk in, because my girls know how to ask some great questions. This past year has made me question the wisdom of this habit as we have spent months of lock-down together. But the way my girls long to learn and ask questions is something that I hope never leaves them.

This weekend we are beginning a new series entitled "Practically Biblical." The hope of this series is to address theological topics that matter the most to how we live our lives. Our faith is not just a head knowledge, but it move our hearts to act as agents of restoration. I fully believe there is something special that happens when we ask questions and work out our own faith that makes it stronger, and what once seemed unbelievable becomes one of the most beautiful parts of life.


Science and Faith


Kingdom Values