My Strange Bible

Unicorns and Dragons?!

Confession, I am not the best at navigating using just a map and compass. I am definitely a GPS guy. So when I come across something that is unexpected I will often think out loud, “where did this come from?” I will then retrace my steps the best I can to see where my trip went off of the rails.

The same is true with the Bible. There can be times where we are reading without a care in the world and then, BAM! A talking donkey comes out of nowhere. Or we might do a double take because we think our eyes are tricking us, but yes that does indeed say unicorn…

There are a few rules of the road we can keep in mind while we read and study the Bible so that when we encounter strange passages we are able to make sense of them. So this week we will take a practical look at our strane Bible as we continue our series “Practically Faithful.”


Between Two Worlds


Science and Faith