Seasons of Disillusionment

When life feels out of control, God is never far away.

When is the last time you felt a little out of control of things in your life? I am willing to bet that there is something, right now or recently, that has caused you some anxiety or stress. Sometimes those feelings can spur us on to great things, and other times that tension can cause feelings that life is spinning out of control.

As we continue our, “Finding God in the Mess,” we are going to be talking about those times when we feel like our lives are disordered and we feel disoriented. This weekend we see what happens when Elijah runs for his life, cries out in desperation, and meets God at his lowest point.

We will see how one question from God changes Elijah’s perspective and grounds him enough to take the next faithful step.


Seasons of Isolation


Seasons of Boldness