Seasons of Isolation

You are never truly alone.

When is the last time you asked yourself if the work you were doing was worth it? Based on the wave of resignations in the job market I am willing to bet there are a few of you reading this right now that have thought about a change. I read a study the other day that suggested that nearly 40% of clergy that were surveyed said that the had explored or made a vocational move into another field.

Even if you are happy doing the work that you are doing, there might be feelings of isolation and the anxiety of what researchers call "imposter syndrome."

This weekend we are concluding our, "Finding God in the Mess," series as we see how Elijah finds God in his season of isolation. He takes control of his future and steps faithfully to find someone he can invest his time and wisdom into.


Letting God Out of the Box


Seasons of Disillusionment