Who Invited You

A personal invitation is a powerful thing.

What's something you can't help but tell others about? The newest episode a Marvel show on Disney+, a great new restaurant, or board game? Maybe you can't help but share a book, personality type inventory, or what the latest political drama is on your town's Facebook page. There are some things that are too good not to share, and there are people in your life who will listen to you and be influenced by your words.

This weekend we continue our "Walking in the Light" series by building on the idea that each of us has a pulpit and that we are preaching some sort of good news. You are an influencer! What is important and meaningful to you is heard by others. So why is it so hard to invite people to hear about faith? Jesus offers us a life of hope and connection in a culture that preaches things that will ultimately lead to isolation and anxiety.


The Risky Investment of Relationship


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